Samantha Ediker - Group 2: And so it begins...

And so it begins...

Hello... Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me... is there anybody home?

Enough Scissor Sisters/Pink Floyd - this is a blog about art and design, not music. Although I've been asked to write this as part of my foundation degree to document my journey of discovery, I will also be incorporating my musings about current art and design related topics - I hope the first one to be about Vivienne Westwood's recent announcement that people should buy fewer clothes. 

This blog will also run along side my Flickr account where I have been posting pictures of my projects for the past three years (Check it out if you have a few minutes!) 

Well, that's all from me for now, check back in a day or two to see what I've been up to!

Bye for now!



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Copyright © Samantha Ediker - Group 2 Urang-kurai