Samantha Ediker - Group 2: Yoshiyuki Sakurai

Yoshiyuki Sakurai

Yoshiyuki Sakurai is a Japanese fashion illustrator who uses inks, collage and colour blocking to craft his illustrations. He eliminates parts of his work and lets the grounds behind it be shown through the gap.

I'm really inspired by his work because of his inventive style and use of bright colours, although I would never wear all those colours together at once , his drawings sell the outfit to me.

I think one of the things that sets Yoshiyuki's work apart from other designers is the grounds that he uses, he takes old stained of white paper and applys colour to accentuate the work.

Yoshiyuki Sakurai's Illustration
My interprtation

 I first saw Yoshiyuki's work in a book of Japanese illustrations and I photcopyed the work that inspired me and then attempted to recreate it, just to get a feel for his style. It looked like he'd used pencil crayon, but I went with felt tip.

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