Samantha Ediker - Group 2: Roger Hiorns

Roger Hiorns

Some of Roger Hiorn's Later Work using Photography.

Roger Hiorns is a English fine artist that specializes in conceptual and sculptural 3D outcomes. He takes inspiration from everyday objects and brings focus to things that we wouldn't normally pay too much attention to. 

Old Movie Camera.

Sometimes he uses photography to enhance the meanings of his sculptures. like on this work where he plays with the element of fire on a park bench, this really captures an unusual moment with a commonplace object we would never really give a second glace.

Seizure- Council Flat Covered in Copper Crystals 

One of the things that makes Hiorn's really unique is his mastery with chemistry, he considers the scientific properties of his materials and takes advantage of this in his work. One of his most famous works is now at the Yorkshire sculpture park, and it is a council flat taken fro a demolished high rise in London, that he poured 8 tonnes of copper sulfate into and let these beautiful Crystals form. This is something that is characteristic of his later work, and also that he is now known for.

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