Samantha Ediker - Group 2: Embroiders Guild Article

Embroiders Guild Article

I looked in my college library the other day and found some interesting magazine resources, as I have moved to the 2D module of the exploratory stage of my foundation course I attempted to find and article that represented 2D design . I found a really good one in the embroiderers guild magazine.

embroiderersguild magazine link

It was about a collaboration of a fashion designer Steven Tai, and a textiles artist Alison Holt, they worked together to create unusual showstopping detailed embroidered jumpers. Steven commissioned Alison, because of her embroidery proficiency and years of experience, to recreate an illustration by Franco Brambila of a spaceship hovering over and idyllic alpine scene.

Fashion and indeed the art and design industry is full of these collaborations, but to me this was intresting as it meant combining a 2D art discipline of Surface design with the 3D fashion.

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