
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Yinka Shonabare

Yinka Shonabare English- Nigerian fine artist who is particularly inspired by cultural identity, colonialism and post-colonialism of today. He uses bright African style fabrics with dynamic patterns and vibrant colors and combines this with traditional aristocratic baroque style.

This is his way of being ironic, its like the tables are turned when white people were in power and made up the monarchy. Also lots of his art installations look into humans sinning  to  excess, there is motifs of drunkenness and promiscuity running through his exhibition.  To this end his work also is reminiscent of the seven deadly sins with greed being represented by the big brand icons incorporated in his prints.

I like Shonabares work because it transcends many different art disciplines, there is certainly couture fashion, with fine art conceptual ideas and a sculptural aspect to creating an installation. This I believe is what can make artists work successful as many people can access it on different levels.

Film by Yinka Shonibare- Odile and Odette

This is a film by Yinka Shonibare and is worth watching to get a feel for his work. Just click on the link to take a look for yourself.

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