
Friday 4 October 2013

Stefan Sagmiester

Sagmeisters Album Covers for Lou Reed
Today I have been looking at 2D designers; graphic designers, illustrators and textile artists. Stefan Sagmeister fits into the graphic designer category and specializes in typography. I find this particular area of graphic design particularly interesting as you can literally read what the artists thoughts are, also it combines another creative discipline (Literature).

These are some examples of his work that he was commissioned to do for his client Lou Reed. They are powerful because its literally like emotions are written on his face.

In my research into Sagmeister I found out that he had a certain interesting creative work policy , that was for every 7 years his business would take a gap year to go out and find new inspiration. I thought this was a good idea as it stops the company from stagnating, and lets you move forward with work.

Stefan Sagmeisters TED talk

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