
Saturday 21 September 2013

Jacqueline Ryan

Jacqueline Ryans Gold Ring Inspired by Sea Life 

Although metal work can be found all around us, its easy to take the intricate pieces for granted as it is an art form we rely on so heavily in a practical sense. We can find it in vases doorknobs and even the knifes and forks that we eat with, but sometimes these practical objects can be made more special by the intricate details incorporated in their design.

Jacqueline Ryan  is a jewelry designer who has been inspired by the complex structures that can be found in nature. Ryan uses a limited colour palette of greens blues and gold which really makes her pieces stand out, she says 'My pieces are like miniatures from nature.  Abstracted details of qualities I have observed, altered and transformed first into miniature sculptural paper models and then into gold. ' - have a look for yourself .

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